Third Rail Eps 24: Summer Remix

This is the remix! To mark the end of Brooklyn Summer, Third Rail is shaking up things with an extra segment this month. Familiar voices join us to share summers that changed us politically. Then we switch gears and discuss how we manage love in the movement. And finally we collectively put together our Top […]

Third Rail Eps 21: Same ‘Ish, Different Lens

We have explored gentrification and street harassment on Third Rail before, but on this month’s show we focus on these subjects through a different lens. First we discuss being Brown in a gentrifying neighborhood and then we break down being harassed as a queer person of color in Central Brooklyn. Guest Tasha Amezcua, SOS Program Coordinator, Audre Lorde ProjectDebayani Kar […]

Third Rail Eps 16: How Do You Change the World?

In this episode of Third Rail we discuss two potential strategies for community and social justice wins. First by examining black and brown neighborhoods in other cities, that may have some lessons for Central Brooklyn on the gentrification front. And then by tackling an age-old community organizing question: is it best to fight for social justice change […]

Third Rail Eps 14: Revolutionary Birth

In “Revolutionary Birth” we discuss motherhood and womanhood in movement spaces with two mothers living in Central Brooklyn. And we share books that have shaped us politically. Guests Rae Gomes, Mother, Writer, & Activist Shatia Strother, Community Organizer, FUREE Segments 1. Motherhood, Womanhood & Movements: For women, deciding to be an activist means fighting a struggle […]

Third Rail Eps 13: Telling stories. Taking care of business.

In “Telling stories. Taking care of business.” we explore the intersection between citizen journalism and community entrepreneurship in Central Brooklyn. Guests Monique Greenwood, Owner & CEO, Akwaaba Bed & Breakfast Inns Kai Wright, Editor-at-Large, Colorlines Segments 1. Journalism that Builds Community: Although digital and social media have opened up new ways for people to share stories and information, […]

Third Rail Eps 10: Brooklyn Summer

In “Brooklyn Summer” we dive into the 2014 races here in Central Brooklyn and discuss ways to keep elected officials accountable. And we try to pinpoint what exactly makes Brooklyn summers as legendary as they are. Guests James Subudhi, BMC Board Member, Neighborhood Activist Britney Whaley, Political Organizer, Working Families PartyCenter Segments 1. 2014 Races […]

Third Rail Eps 4: Gentrification in Central Brooklyn

Guests Mychal Denzel Smith, Writer, Knobler Fellow at The Nation InstituteMarlon Peterson, Writer, Director of Community Relations, Fortune Society Segments Cycle of Gentrification: A recent Spike Lee rant has once again shaped the discussion around gentrification as the displacement (or replacement) of low income people of color with white, middle to upper income residents. But what […]