Third Rail Eps 26: Store Frontin’

We take on the business of black-owned business in Central Brooklyn, by asking two local entrepreneurs what it takes to keep a storefront business alive? And what it means to be a black business owner and black consumer in the midst of gentrification? #BKDTR: I didn’t desire to be all things, to all people. -Crystal […]

Third Rail Eps 25: The life and times of Brooklyn neighborhoods

Assemblymember Diana Richardson and community advocate Marlon Peterson join us on Third Rail to look at the people and identities, influencing and claiming Central Brooklyn. We start by asking are elected officials and community organizers are on the same side of community development? Then we ask what neighborhood change means to immigrant communities? #BKDTR: #Gentrification […]

Third Rail Eps 24: Summer Remix

This is the remix! To mark the end of Brooklyn Summer, Third Rail is shaking up things with an extra segment this month. Familiar voices join us to share summers that changed us politically. Then we switch gears and discuss how we manage love in the movement. And finally we collectively put together our Top […]

Third Rail Local: Bedford Corners

On this first edition of “Third Rail Local,” Brooklyn Deep Reporter, Monica Melton, join us to discuss her reporting on the northeast corner of Bedford Avenue and Fulton Street– historically known as Bedford Corners. Head to Brooklyn Deep to read Monica’s piece, told through four images of what is now 1205 Fulton Street, as well as […]

Third Rail Express: What if the Charleston Massacre happened in Central Brooklyn?

On Thursday, June 17th, Dylann Roof a white, 21-year-old man allegedly entered Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina during their evening bible study. And after one hour, Roof stood up and opened fire, fatally shooting 6 women and 3 men. BMC staff share their initial reaction to this news and ask what we would […]

Third Rail Eps 21: Same ‘Ish, Different Lens

We have explored gentrification and street harassment on Third Rail before, but on this month’s show we focus on these subjects through a different lens. First we discuss being Brown in a gentrifying neighborhood and then we break down being harassed as a queer person of color in Central Brooklyn. Guest Tasha Amezcua, SOS Program Coordinator, Audre Lorde ProjectDebayani Kar […]

Third Rail Eps 20: Crown Heights Fight

On “Crown Heights Fight” we report on the state of tenant organizing in Central Brooklyn and how tenants are reacting to rising rents. We then put to the test the notion that Bed-Stuy gets more political and media love than Crown Heights. Guests zakia henderson-brown, Board Member, Brooklyn Movement CenterJoel Feingold, Member, Crown Heights Tenants Union Segments […]