Third Rail Eps 28: The Black Church, Circa 2016

Walk down any street in Central Brooklyn and you’re bound to find a church close by. Brooklyn is, after all, the “borough of churches.” But how relevant is the church in 2016? On the first Third Rail of the year, Onleilove Alston, Faith in New York’s Executive Director, join us to break down the black church, circa 2016.


Onleilove Alston, Executive Director, Faith in New York


1. What’s the connection between what’s going on inside Black churches and outside of them?
Historically, the Black church has been an institution at the forefront of social justice movements in our community. Is that still true today? How are Black churches responding to and interacting with organizing work taking place in 2015?

2. Borough of Churches: What’s the plan?
In many traditional big churches in Central Brooklyn, you see aging populations and ministers struggling to fill the pews. In this segment, we ask what is the strategic plan to keep these churches self-sustained, relevant, and surviving?

3. “Tell em why you mad”

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